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Missing loved ones at Christmas...

We all have lost someone throughout our lives. The sadness and grief when we miss them at Christmas time can be so deep for the many. As you process your grief and honour your loved ones at this Christmas time who are no longer with you, by lighting a candle, or looking at their photo, or hanging a bauble onto the Christmas tree, or a hearing Christmas carol song, or whatever means to you. I personally do all these things myself including putting a lit candle and table mat with a glass of beer for my Dad on Christmas Day. Also raise a small glass of sherry for my Grandma as she loved drinking this at Christmas.

These simple acts can help to honour and remember them during the holdiay season and make the days that bit brighter. Sharing the memories of our loved ones can help you to embrace those memories. It can be incredibly difficult at times but please know that you are not alone. Your loved ones are with you from the Spirit World watching over you and to be with you.

I hope that this Christmas message from me that helps you as you go through this holiday season.

I would like to say 'Thank you' for all your support this year, whether it's coming along to the Evening of Mediumship evenings, or the 'Spiritual Retreats' or workshops, or one to ones in readings or mentoring. If I can help one person then that means so much to me, and to those in the 'Spirit World'. Connecting the two worlds together brings the magic back with love.

I am looking forward to a brand new course in January - New Year, New You which is not a mediumship course but a course that helps your soul on your journey, and help you to prepare for 2024. If you wish to come along or to know further details about it, then contact me or go onto the events page on my website. Link is below.

Also, I have put on some evening of mediumship evenings on events page too.

Wishing you all a peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From my heart to yours with Love

Sue x

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